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Orthopedic Management: Cervical Spine
Pre-Course: Introduction to the Cervical Spine
Course Syllabus and Objectives
Incidence, Prevalence, & Societal Impact
Section 1: Anatomy and Biomechanics
Cervical Anatomy & Biomechanics
Section 2: Differential Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
Section 3: Examination and Evaluation
Efficient Examination
Examination Using the Treatment Based Classification
Sahrmann Based Examination
Repeated Motions
Section 4: Interventions and Treatment
Interventions by the Research (CPG and More!)
Cervical Spine Manual Therapy Interventions
Sahrmann Cervical Treatment
Repeated Motions Treatment
Dry Needling Considerations
Cervical Therapeutic Exercises
Section 5: Case Studies and Clinical Application
Our Treatment Philosophy
Case Study #1: Elbow Pain from the Cervical Spine
Case Study #2: Cervical and Scapular Pain Following WAD
Case Study #3: Cervical Radiculopathy
Case Study #4: Cervical Neurogenic Inhibition
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